Ariane Panzer, PhD

Immunology and microbiology enthusiast

  • The Future of Genetics

    A couple sits close, intently studying a dossier. On the dossier is a list starting with Embryo #1. According to the description, Embryo #1 is female, has a high risk of Type II Diabetes, will have blue eyes and blond hair, and has a 20% chance of being in the 90th percentile for math ability. Alternatively, Embryo #100 is male, will have blue eyes and dark hair, has a 60% chance of being in the top 10% for musical ability, and is at a high risk for depression.

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  • The Maternal Wall Bias

    Federal regulations are establishing stronger rights for career women in a variety of industries choosing to have babies, but these protections aren’t taking hold in the world of academia. PhD-holding women who have children are 35% less likely to enter a tenure track position, and 27% less likely to become tenured – even if they are on a tenure track – than their male counterparts. Statistics like these suggest that being a woman, especially a woman who wants to have a family, is seen as an undesirable quality for those who want to pursue a permanent post in academia.

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  • The Resurgence of IUDs

    “Every time I place an intrauterine device I feel like Margaret Sanger!” Lisa DiGiorgio-Haag exclaimed. DiGiorgio-Haag has been a nurse practitioner at UCSF Student Health for 24 years and specializes in women’s health. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania, and went on to earn a Master of Science in Nursing and certification eligibility as a Family Nurse Practitioner from UCSF. It was during her graduate studies that DiGiorgio-Haag decided to focus on women’s health, despite being discouraged to do so.

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  • Walking the Work-Life Tightrope

    Many, if not all, of us are constantly trying to attain work-life balance, but in this day and age we all have so many things to juggle. In addition to work we have relationships to tend to, side projects to amuse and challenge us, and the extra hours of sleep we wish we were getting. We think a work-life balance will fix all of our problems, but try as we may, it often seems impossible to attain the balance we desire.

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